Here you could find the answers to the most frequently asked questions by our customers. If you need us to elaborate more on some of the FAQs or have other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. ​


From 8 December 2023, all wines produced (with alcohol, bottled and labelled) for sale in the EU must comply with the e-labelling regulation. For wines from the 2023 vintage, they are considered ‘produced’ once they meet certain EU marketing standards, such as alcohol content, acidity and, for sparkling wines, the required pressure. Although the term “produced” is not precisely defined in the regulation, many legal experts believe that sparkling wines from the 2023 vintage in particular will already be affected by these guidelines. This means that wines from the 2024 vintage onwards must meet the criteria for electronic labelling, compulsorily

We recommend creating a new code when creating a new wine, new vintage or new package

We keep QR code information for up to 10 years. At the customer’s request for each subsequent year we could extend the period

Yes, we keep track of all changes and comply with the current regulation for EU member country requirements

It is translated into the official EU languages

According to Regulation (EU) 2021/2117 no, but we recommend that a separate label is created for each volume

Yes, an analysis by the producer of the product is required

For the values in the nutrition declaration, the relevant articles of the FIC Regulation apply. In particular, according to Article 31, the values in the nutrition declaration are average values based on: a) the analysis of the food manufacturer; b) the known or actual average values of the ingredients used; or c) generally accepted and generally accepted data

It is not necessary to have a laboratory analytical test for all parameters of the nutrient declaration. For example, laboratory tests are not required for the indication of protein, fat and salt as these are usually zero for wines

Yes, it is possible if the product does not contain these nutrients or if the product contains very small amounts of nutrients not detected by analysis.

They do not need to be included in the list of ingredients. However, if their use results in the presence of substances causing allergies or intolerances, they must be included in the list

Regulation (EU) 1169/2011. If they are added during the manufacturing process and are found in the final product, even in an altered form

When listed in the list of ingredients, these substances or products should be highlighted in a font that clearly distinguishes them from the rest of the ingredients on the list. If the list of ingredients is not listed on the label (because it is listed online), the presence of a substance or product causing allergies or intolerances must be indicated on the label using the word ‘contains’ followed by the name of the substance or product concerned. The terms to be used to indicate these substances in the list of ingredients are those listed in Part A of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2019/33

No, we do not recommend doing so. Each wine corresponds to a new QR code

Single payment per package for a year

The minimum commitment is for 1 year, after signing a contract

Yes, a separate tag should be created for each vintage

Yes you will lose them, QR codes from the selected package can be used within 1 year of signing the contract

No, the payment is a one-time fee for the number of codes in your chosen package

Not at the moment, but we are in negotiations with other companies to ensure the continuity of the business